Online Italian Language & Culture Courses in Geneva or online.


Format du cours
Cours particulier
Cours semi-privé
Cours collectif
  • Introduction
  • A1
  • A2
  • B1
  • B2
  • C1
  • C2
Public cible
(dès 16 ans)
Langue - ScolaireLangue - ConversationLangue - Préparation d'un DiplômeLangue - Business


I offer courses in Italian language and culture: working on oral and written comprehension, vocabulary acquisition, and mastery of grammar. I prioritize a communicative approach, so a crucial part of the lessons is focused on the students' oral production in everyday life situations. Through the language, I guide you to discover the culture of the country of the Dolce Vita.

My program: working on the 4 language skills – listening and reading comprehension, and speaking and writing production – using suitable materials and textbooks that I choose based on your interests and objectives. I prefer textbooks that offer interesting and motivating topics and use a wide range of activities to promote language learning. I choose digital versions for my online courses for a more pleasant visual experience. I use apps to enliven the lessons with various games.

My goal is to help you achieve your objectives: learn the language, prepare for an exam, make the most of your upcoming trips to Italy, add skills to your resume, or simply learn for the pleasure.

My strengths: knowledge of language teaching methodology, efficiency, flexibility, motivation, relaxed atmosphere.

Lieux, Horaires et Tarifs

  • Particulier

Lieux des cours privés

Par webcam (Suisse)


Tarifs sur demande


< 08h
08h - 10h
10h - 12h
12h - 14h
14h - 16h
16h - 18h
18h - 19h
19h - 20h
20h - 21h
21h >

Autres Cours & Formations du même annonceur

  1. Langues (1)
Cours de Italien (langue et culture) a Genève ou en ligne avec Zoom
Cours Particulier, Semi-privé
Introduction, A1, A2, B1, B...
Lu à Ve
Adultes seuls
  • Par webcam (Suisse)
Je vous propose des cours de langue et culture italienne en ligne avec Zoom ou en présentiel: travail sur la compréhension orale et écrite, acquisition du vocabulaire, maîtrise de la grammaire. Je privilégie l’approche communicative donc une partie essentielle des cours vise à la production orale. Je m'adapte naturellement à vos besoins.
Online Italian Language & Culture Courses in Geneva or online.

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École & Centre de formation